100 Great Black Britons: A Celebration of the Extraordinary Contribution of Key Figures of African

100 Great Black Britons: A Celebration of the Extraordinary Contribution of Key Figures of African

NNomor 5.
a. 77 °F = .......... °C = .......... K
b. 333 K = .......... °C = .......... oF

NNomor 5.
a. 77 °F = .......... °C = .......... K
b. 333 K = .......... °C = .......... oF

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

C : R : F

5 : 4:9 (+32)

K = °C + 273

77 °F = 5/9 x (77-32) → 5/9 x 45 → 25 °C

77 ° F = 25 + 273 = 298 °K

333 °K = 333 - 273 → 60°C

333 ° K = 9/5 x 60 (+32) → 140 °F

semoga membantu dan maaf kalau salah